Insured, but worried claims will be filed poorly?

Are you working with a healthcare provider or insurer that you don't trust to handle your claims correctly? Pocketero can help.

Expected prices: High

Patients in this category are usually quoted full "chargemaster" prices, which are generally far above market prices because they are deliberately inflated.

The problem

Health insurance billing is complicated and time-consuming. That means it's easy to make mistakes, and hard to fix them.

It's common to hear about doctors and hospitals failing to file insurance claims properly, then filing for collections against the patient. It's also common to hear about insurers that refuse to accept legitimate claims without the patient spending dozens of hours of writing letters and waiting on hold.

Ultimately, the patient is responsible for ensuring insurance claims are made and paid, with their credit score and financial health at risk if they don't. If you want to minimize the risk of mistakes, you should avoid using insurance. Intead, you should pay out of pocket. However, that can expose you to deliberately inflated "chargemaster" prices.

The solution

Pocketero empowers you with the best prices when paying out of pocket. For a very low membership fee, you can get prices that are around half of insurance-negotiated prices, without restrictions on providers, drugs, or services.